Airy Booking is a lightweight flight ticket booking system, allows user to search flight tickets by certain criteria including duration, estimates, personal preferences, and more.

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Group Now is a supportive platform of connecting art students while creating an environment for users to exchange knowledge, ideas, opportunities and more.

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Oso is an IoT smart sleeping solution that will promote a good night’s sleep by intuitively balancing the overall environment of light, sound, aroma, and temperature for the user.

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Eriq Huang

Actionwave was created as an awareness-raising campaign and website to facilitate the creation of family disaster preparedness plans.

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Eriq Huang

Kinker’s Wonderland is an advocacy and education organization for kinkster new to BDSM. The main purpose is to engage prospective kinkster in and educate you to explore it under safe condition.

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Eriq Huang

Space is a interactive editorial application for space exploration company, providing good reading experiences and intuitive gesture guidance.

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